2024 Rent Board Convention

UPDATE: The deadline to submit a candidate application has been extended to Sunday, May 19. For the updated post, please click here. The Convention Planning Committee thanks candidates and community members for their feedback recommending this extension to make the process more equitable and inclusive.
Candidate applications for the Berkeley Rent Board Convention are due Sunday, May 12. For more information about running in the Convention, please review the candidate packet at bit.ly/2024CandidatePacket.
Help select – or even run for – the progressive, pro-tenant Berkeley Rent Board slate! This year, there are FOUR seats up for election in November on the Rent Board. (If current Rent Board Commissioner Soli Alpert wins the May 28 special election for City Council District 4, then there will be FIVE at-large seats on the Board up for election in November.)
Every election year since 1994, the Rent Board Convention has selected the progressive, pro-tenant slate for the open seats on the Berkeley Rent Board. The Berkeley Tenants Union is once again co-sponsoring this year’s Convention; other confirmed sponsors include along with Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America – UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, and the Cal Berkeley Democrats.
The 2024 Berkeley Rent Board Convention is will take place in early June (likely June 8 or 9).
Persons interested in running for the pro-tenant slate must complete the candidate questionnaire – located at bit.ly/2024CandidatePacket – by SUNDAY, MAY 12. You do NOT need to be a tenant to run at the Convention.
Any Berkeley resident at least thirteen years old (including non-citizens) who fully supports tenants’ rights and affordable housing may vote in the Convention. Each Convention, hundreds of Berkeley residents cast ballots and this year is expected to be no different as the housing affordability crisis continues to loom in Berkeley.
More information about the Convention will be announced via email closer over the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please visit berkeleytenantsconvention.net or email berkeleytenantsconvention@gmail.com.
Finally, please consider making a donation to help the Convention organizers cover all the costs. To donate, go to www.berkeleytenants.org and click the yellow “Donate” button in the upper right corner of the website’s homepage (please type “Convention” in the “Add a message to BTU” line to help us distinguish these donations from BTU dues). If you would prefer to donate by cash or check, please email berkeleytenantsconvention@gmail.com to coordinate.