Vote for these pro-tenant candidates and ballot measures!

Local Candidates and Ballot Measures

  • Alameda County Board of Supervisors: Nikki Fortunato Bas
  • Berkeley Mayor: Kate Harrison
  • Berkeley City Council District 2: Jenny Guarino
  • Berkeley City Council District 3
    • John Chip Moore (#1)
    • Ben Bartlett (#2 – recommended but not endorsed)
  • Berkeley Rent Board: Right to Housing Slate (Alfred Twu, Avery Arbaugh, Dominique Walker, and Xavier Johnson)
  • NO to recalling District Attorney Pamela Price
  • YES on Berkeley Measure W (Fund homeless services)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure Z (Soda tax)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure AA (Allow Berkeley to spend money voters have already approved)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure BB (Tenant Protection & Right to Organize Act)
  • NO on Berkeley Measure CC (Gut rent control ordinance and divert housing retention funds to a landlord slush fund)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure GG (Tax large buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions to fund building decarbonization retrofits using union labor)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure HH (Set minimum air quality standards in City of Berkeley buildings)

State Candidates and Ballot Measures

  • State Senate: Jovanka Beckles
  • State Assembly: Margot Smith
  • YES on Proposition 3 (Repeal Prop 8/Allow same-sex marriage)
  • YES on Proposition 5 (lower the vote approval threshold to 55% for local bond measures)
  • YES on Proposition 6 (Ban involuntary servitude, i.e. slavery)
  • YES on Proposition 32 (Minimum wage increase)
  • YES on Proposition 33 (Repeal Costa-Hawkins/Allow stronger rent control)
  • NO on Proposition 34 (Retaliatory scheme by big landlords to restrict the political activities of a single progressive nonprofit)
  • NO on Proposition 36 (Roll back Prop 47/Worsen mass incarceration)

Join us this weekend to kick-off BTU-endorsed campaigns for the November election! 

On Saturday from 6pm to 8pm at Grassroots House (2022 Blake St), we’ll be hosting the campaign kickoff for the Right to Housing Slate for Rent Board and Jenny Guarino for City Council.  This will be a fundraiser for the candidates, so we encourage you to bring your checkbook.  (No one will be turned away for lack of a donation.)

All five candidates (Jenny + the four members of the slate) are using public financing, which means the city’s Fair Elections Fund will match donations from Berkeley residents by a ratio of 6-1. That means, for example, if you donate $10 to a candidate, they will receive $70, and if you donate $60 then they will receive $420!  (You may donate up to $60 to each candidate, for a total of $300 total, which would become $2100 after matching funds are applied.)

Sunday is a two-parter at San Pablo Park (look for us next to the community center).  From 3pm to 5pm, we’ll be holding our membership meeting and potluck (sign-up to bring a dish here).  Then from 5pm to 8pm, we’re launching our first canvass for the November election!  We’ll be campaigning for the Right to Housing Slate, the Tenant Protection & Right to Organize Act, Jenny Guarino, and Jovanka Beckles.

You can RSVP for this weekend’s kickoffs here.  And you can sign-up to bring a dish for Sunday’s potluck here.

Want to donate but can’t make it this weekend?  You can find the donation links for the Right to Housing Slate here and for Jenny here.

Earlier this month, our members voted to make the following endorsements:

  • Right to Housing Slate (Avery, Alfred, Dominique, Xavier) for Rent Board
  • Jenny Guarino for City Council District 2
  • YES on Berkeley Measure W (Fund homeless services)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure AA (increase Berkeley’s appropriations limit for the next 4 years)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure BB (Tenant Protection & Right to Organize)
  • NO on Berkeley Measure CC (Gut rent control ordinance and divert housing retention funds to a landlord slush fund)
  • YES on Proposition 32 (minimum wage increase)
  • YES on Proposition 33 (repeal Costa-Hawkins)
  • YES on Proposition 6 (ban involuntary servitude)

Our members also voted to endorse Regional Measure 4 ($20 billion affordable housing bond). However, BAHFA voted to withdraw Measure 4 while our membership vote was ongoing.

Additionally, our members previously voted to endorse:

  • Nikki Fortunato Bas for Alameda County Supervisor
  • Margot Smith for State Assembly
  • Jovanka Beckles for State Senate
  • YES on Berkeley Measure GG (Tax large buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions to fund building decarbonization retrofits using union labor)
  • YES on Berkeley Measure HH (Set minimum air quality standards in City of Berkeley buildings)
  • NO on recalling Pamela Price

The BTU membership also previously voted to endorse YES on a ballot measure to repeal Article XXXIV of the California Constitution. However, the State Legislature subsequently withdrew that measure from the ballot.

What: Come join BTU, DSA, UAW, and SEIU canvassing to protect Berkeley tenants and elect Cecilia Lunaparra to the City Council
When: Saturday, March 16, 2024, 11:00am – 2:00pm
Where: UC Berkeley Unit 3 Courtyard (2400 Durant Avenue)
<< RSVP Here >>

This Saturday at 11AM, we’re holding our second canvass for two major BTU campaigns: Campaigning for Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council District 7, plus signature gathering for the Berkeley Tenant Protection and Right to Organize Act, a ballot measure to expand rent control and give tenants a legally enforceable right to unionize and collectively bargain with their landlord.

We’ll meet in the courtyard of UC Berkeley’s Unit 3 dormitory (2400 Durant Avenue) at 11AM before beginning the canvass. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing so that canvassing is as fun as possible!

Can’t make Saturday’s canvass but still want to help collect signatures?  Just fill out the RSVP form and indicate in the last question that you can’t make it.

What: Come join BTU, DSA, UAW, and SEIU kicking-off canvassing to protect Berkeley tenants and elect Cecilia Lunaparra to the City Council
When: Saturday, March 9, 2024, 11:00am – 2:00pm
Where: UC Berkeley Unit 1 Courtyard (2650 Durant Avenue)
<< RSVP Here >>

This Saturday at 11AM, we’re launching the field campaign for two major BTU campaigns: Canvassing for Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council District 7, as well as signature gathering for the Berkeley Tenant Protection and Right to Organize Act, a ballot measure to expand rent control and give tenants a legally enforceable right to unionize and collectively bargain with their landlord.

We’ll meet in the courtyard of UC Berkeley’s Unit 1 dormitory (2650 Durant Avenue) at 11AM before beginning the canvass. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing so that canvassing is as fun as possible!

Can’t make Saturday’s canvass but still want to help collect signatures?  Just fill out the RSVP form and indicate in the last question that you can’t make it.

We’re excited to announce that the Berkeley Tenants Unions membership has overwhelmingly voted to make the following endorsements:

  • People Powered Progressives Slate (Avery Arbaugh, Alfred Twu, Paola Laverde, Michael Cheng, Carol Coyote Cook, Sadia Khan, and John “Chip” Moore) for Alameda County Democratic Central Committee
  • YES on Berkeley Measure H (parcel tax renewal to fund schools)
  • YES on Alameda County Measure A (civil service)
  • YES on Alameda County Measure B (recalls)
  • OPPOSE recalling District Attorney Pamela Price

Additionally, the BTU membership previously voted to endorse:

  • Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council District 7 (special election)
  • Nikki Bas for Alameda County Supervisor District 5
  • Margot Smith for State Assembly District 14
  • Jovanka Beckles for State Senate District 7
  • Barbara Lee for US Senate
  • YES on the Proposed Berkeley Measure to Strengthen the City’s Rent Control Ordinance
  • YES on the ballot measure to repeal Article XXXIV of the California Constitution (November)

A big thank you to everyone who voted on all of our endorsements.

We’re excited to announce that the Berkeley Tenants Unions membership has overwhelmingly voted to make the following endorsements:

  • Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council District 7 (special election)
  • Nikki Bas for Alameda County Supervisor District 5
  • Margot Smith for State Assembly District 14
  • YES on the Proposed Berkeley Measure to Strengthen the City’s Rent Control Ordinance

Additionally, the BTU membership previously voted to endorse:

  • Barbara Lee for US Senate
  • Jovanka Beckles for State Senate District 7
  • YES on the ballot measure to repeal Article XXXIV of the California Constitution (November)

A big thank you to everyone who voted in this election. Additionally, members-in-good-standing should be on the look out for another membership ballot that will go out shortly.

Update: Thursday March 18 is now the day TOPA will be before the City Council’s Land Use, Housing & Economic Development Committee at 10:30AM.

This Thursday, the Berkeley City Council’s Land Use Committee will hold a final hearing on The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA). Now is the time to get involved!

ACTION: Write to today to express your support. “I stand with the Berkeley Tenants Union in expressing enthusiasm for the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act.”

If all goes as planned, the City Council will vote on this at their April 20th meeting.

Berkeley’s TOPA is the first ordinance of its kind in the state of California, but other places have tried this model – and it works! Washington DC passed a similar law in 2002; that law has preserved over 3500 units of affordable housing in the capital.

The desperate opposition is hyperbolically claiming TOPA will “seize your private property.” While for those without property, that may not seem like a bad idea – it’s just not true! The new law would just give renters AN OPTION to pay market price before their homes are sold to a new landlord. But it also SETS UP HELP for a group of renters to buy, including the opportunity to work with affordable housing groups who may fund some of the cost, and access to special loans.

As BTU member and Berkeley leader Igor Tregub put it, TOPA “reflects core Berkeley values such as cooperative ownership, democratic control, and the empowerment of underserved communities.” It is supported by Mayor Arreguin, and the East Bay Community Law Center has done substantial work shepherding the law through its five-year process to this point – where we almost have it!

ACTION: Give public comment at the March 4th hearing via Zoom!
When: Thursday, March 4, 10:30am
Where: Land Use, Housing & Economic Development Meeting – The Zoom link will be posted on this web page.

Read the draft of the law by opening the agenda when it is posted tonight:

Talking Points, and More:

You can also let your neighbors know that you support TOPA by requesting a window or lawn sign, just email to request your signs today.